Joseph Israels -1824-1911-
Interior of a peasant hut.
Jozef Israels
Joseph Israels -1824-1911-
Jozef Israels -Groningen, 1824-Scheveningen, 1911-. A Fishergirl on a Dune-Top Overlooking the Se...
Joseph Israels -1824-1911-
Son of the old people. #1
Jozef Israels
Fisherman girl on the beach.
Jozef Israels
The shoemaker.
Jozef Israels
Interior with woman at the washtub.
Jozef Israels
Tree in front of the fence of a country house.
Jozef Israels
Portrait of a girl.
Jozef Israels
Standing woman in a landscape.
Jozef Israels
Rider on a country road.
Jozef Israels
Wooded hills.
Jozef Israels
Mountain landscape with herdsman and two cows.
Jozef Israels
Alley between old houses.
Jozef Israels
Country house and garden.
Jozef Israels
Quarry at Pontresina.
Jozef Israels
Mountain landscape with stream.
Jozef Israels
Valley with overgrown mountains.
Jozef Israels
Tree group at a road.
Jozef Israels
Sitting girl in a garden.
Jozef Israels
Two women working on the land.
Jozef Israels
Landscape with a cow and a farmer.
Jozef Israels
Louis Jacques Veltman -1817-1907-. Actor.
Jozef Israels
Sitting woman, probably Michal.
Jozef Israels
Joseph Israels -1824-1911-
Country Boy on a Pole Barrier.
Joseph Israels -1824-1911-
Woman at a Window.
Joseph Israels -1824-1911-
The Sand Bargeman. The Sand Barge.
Jozef Israels
'Turning homewards'.
Jozef Israels
'The Little Seamstress'. #1
Jozef Israels
Study of Sijtje van Bemmel -1880-1963-.
Jozef Israels
'Neighborly Gossip'. #1
Jozef Israels
Jozef Israels
On Country Roads and Fields.
Jozef Israels
A Scene of Life in Laren.
Jozef Israels
Jewish Wedding. #3
Jozef Israels
'The Joy of Motherhood'.
Jozef Israels
Children of the Sea. #2
Jozef Israels
'Alone in the World'. #3
Jozef Israels
Girl in the Dunes.
Jozef Israels