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1 - 14 of 14 indigenous drawings for sale
Results: 14
INDIANS PERFORMING AGRICULTURAL TASKS. 'Trujillo del Peru' by Bishop Don Baltasar Martinez Campanon.
West Indian Travels - 1590 -america-part 4-llamas Carrying Silver From Potosi - 16th Century.
Theodor de Bry -1528-1598-
West India Travels, 1590. Indians Of Peru. Peasants Sowing. Engraving 16th Century.
Theodor de Bry -1528-1598-
Alfonso De Alburqueque In 1509 Entering Goa - Detail Of His Drought - Woman In Baldaquin, 1889.
Collection Of Suits-1777-india Of Peru-engraving 18th Century.
Juan de la Cruz Cano y Olmedilla -1734-1790-
Manuscript, folio 213 V. Spanish and Indians Fighting in Tlaxcala. Conquest of Mexico. 16th century.
Diego Duran -1537-1588-
The Spaniards' arrogant behaviour causes resistance among the Aztecs. 1320.
Diego Duran -1537-1588-
Llamas From Peru -'carneros Del Peru Que Dicen Llamas Muy Provechosos Y Su Naturaleza'- - Engravi...
Antonio Herrera y Tordesillas -1549-1625-
1 - 14 of 14 indigenous drawings for sale